Computer Science Bio Informatics Media Informatics Medical informatics Machine Learning
Module Title Lecture Type ECTS Module Number Lecturer
Modeling and Analysis of Embedded Systems
L, T 6 INFO-4311 Bringmann
Design and Synthesis of Embedded Systems
L, T 6 INFO-4312 Bringmann
Embedded Systems
S 3 INFO-4313 Bringmann
Advanced Topics in Embedded Systems
L, T 6 INFO-4315 Bringmann
Programming Ultra-Low Power Architectures
P 6 INFO-4316 Bringmann
Parallel Computer Architectures
L, T 6 INFO-4317 Bringmann
Advanced Computer Architecture
P 6 INFO-4318 Bringmann
Behavior and Learning
L 6 INFO-4194 Butz
Recurrent and Generative Artificial Neural Networks
L 6 INFO-4210 Butz
Avatars in Virtual Realities
P 6 INFO-4211 Butz
Artificial Neural networks
P 6 INFO-4212 Butz
Advanced Artificial Neural Networks Project
P 3 INFO-4213 Butz
Cognitive Modeling
L 6 INFO-4214 (MKOGP3) Butz, Wichmann
Research Project Bioinformatics
R 9 BIOINF4998 (entspricht BIO-4998) Dozenten der Bioinformatik
Research Project Computer Science
R 9 INFO-4998 Dozenten der Informatik
Research Project Media Informatics
R 9 MEDI-4998 Dozenten der Medieninformatik
Research Project Medical Informatics
R 9 MEDZ-4998 Dozenten der Medizin- und Bioinformatik
Parameterized Algorithms
L 6 INFO-4413 Dorn
Parameterized Algorithms
S 3 INFO-4414 Dorn
Parameterized Algorithms and Complexity
L, T 9 INFO-4417 Dorn
Seminar on Selected Topics in Practical Computer Science
S 3 INFO-4999 Alle Dozenten
Selected Topics in Medical Informatics
L, T 6 MEDZ-4310 Dozenten der Medizin- und Bioinformatik
Selected Topics in Medical Informatics
L 9 MEDZ-4320 Dozenten der Medizin- und Bioinformatik
Mathematical Methods in (Medical) Systems Biology
S 3 BIOINF4393 (entspricht BIO-4393) Mostolizadeh
Systems Biology II
L, T 6 BIOINF4394 (entspricht BIO-4394) Dräger
Information Processing for Perception and Action
S 3 INFO-4250 Franz
Intelligent Systems II - Learning in Computer Vision
L, T 6 INFO-4177 Gehler, Lensch, MPI
Implementation of Relational Database Systems (DB2)
L, T 9 INFO-4141 Grust
Database Systems and Modern CPU Architecture
L, T 6 INFO-4142 Grust
Declarative Database Languages
L, T 6 INFO-4147 Grust
Selected Topics in Database Systems
L, T 6 INFO-4149 Grust
Advanced Topics in Database Systems
S 3 INFO-4663 Grust
Data and Business Analytics
S 3 INFO-4664 Huber
App Design in Bioinformatics
L 6 BIOINF4241 (entspricht BIO-4241) Huson
Advanced Topics in Bioinformatics
L 6 BIOINF4242 (entspricht BIO-4242) Huson
Bioinformatics Tools
P 3 BIOINF4240 (entspricht BIO-4240) Huson
Microbiome Analysis
L, T 6 BIOINF4311 (entspricht BIO-4311) Huson
S 3 BIOINF4322 (entspricht BIO-4322) Huson
Advanced Sequence Analysis
L 6 BIOINF4361 (entspricht BIO-4361) Huson
Algorithms in Bioinformatics
S 3 BIOINF4362 (entspricht BIO-4362) Huson
Sequence Bioinformatics
L, T 9 BIOINF4110 (entspricht BIO-4110) Huson
Gaze-based Human-Computer Interaction
L, T 6 INFO-4380 Kübler
Advanced Topics in Human-Computer Interaction
S 3 INFO-4381 Castner, Häufle
Methods of Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science
L 6 INFO-4431 Kaufmann
Algorithm Engineering
L 6 INFO-4411 Kaufmann
Algorithms and Complexity
L, T 9 INFO-4412 Kaufmann
Randomized Algorithms
L 9 INFO-4415 Kaufmann
Advanced Topics in Algorithmics
L 6 INFO-4419 Kaufmann, Schlipf
Network Algorithms
P 6 INFO-4520 Kaufmann
Combinatorial Algorithms
S 3 INFO-4653 Kaufmann
Discrete Optimization
L, T 6 INFO-4432 Kaufmann
Structure and Systems Bioinformatics
L, T 9 BIOINF4120 (enstpricht BIO-4120) Kohlbacher
Integrative Bioinformatics
P 3 BIOINF4220 (entspricht BIO-4220) Kohlbacher
Applied Structure-Based Drug Design
P 3 BIOINF4230 (entspricht BIO-4230) Kohlbacher
Computational Proteomics and Metabolomics
L, T 6 BIOINF4352 (entspricht BIO-4352) Kohlbacher
Structure-Based Drug Design
L, T 6 BIONF4371 (bisher BIO-4371) Kohlbacher
L, T 6 BIOINF4372 (entspricht BIO-4372) Kohlbacher
Systems Immunology
S 3 BIOINF4381 (entspricht BIO-4381) Kohlbacher
Visualization of Biological Data
L, T 6 BIOINF4364 (entspricht BIO-4364) Krone
Software Quality in Theory and Industrial Practice
L, T 6 INFO-4222 Bringmann, Kropf
Selected Topics in Computer Security
L 3 INFO-4353 Bündgen, Menth
L 6 INFO-4421
Circuit Complexity
L 6 INFO-4422
Petri Nets
L 6 INFO-4441
Model Checking
L 6 INFO-4442
Formal Languages II
L 6 INFO-4443
Complexity Theory II
L 6 INFO-4444
Special Chapters in Theoretical Computer Science I
L 3 INFO-4497
Special Chapters in Theoretical Computer Science II
L 6 INFO-4498
Special Chapters in Theoretical Computer Science III
L 9 INFO-4499
Seminar Theoretical Computer Science
S 3 INFO-4656 Schlipf, wechselnde Dozenten
Computer Graphics
P 6 INFO-4167 Lensch
Massively Parallel Computing
L, T 6 INFO-4173 Lensch
Massively Parallel Computing
P 6 INFO-4174 Lensch
L, T 6 INFO-4175 Lensch
Computational Photography
L, T 6 INFO-4176 Lensch
L, T 6 INFO-4178 Lensch
Network Security I
L, T 6 INFO-4341 Menth
Network Security II (3 ECTS)
L, T 3 INFO-4342 Menth
Network Security III (Lab)
P 6 INFO-4343 Menth
Communication Networks Lab
P 3 INFO-4344 Menth
Modeling and Simulation I
L 6 INFO-4345 Menth
Modeling and Simulation II
L 3 INFO-4346 Menth
Network Softwarization
L, T 3 INFO-4347 Menth
Communication Technologies 1
L, T 6 INFO-4348 Menth
Communication Technologies 2
L, T 3 INFO-4349 Menth
Selected Topics in Communication Networks
L 3 INFO-4350 Menth
Public Cloud Computing
L, T 3 INFO-4354 Menth
L 3 INFO-4352 Menth
Communication Networks (Seminar)
S 3 INFO-4351 Menth
Biomedical Data Management
L, S 6 BIOINF4376 (entspricht BIO-4376) Nahnsen
Practical Transcriptomics
P 3 BIOINF4210 (entspricht BIO-4210) Nieselt
Advances in Computational Transcriptomics
L, T 6 BIOINF4331 (entspricht BIO-4331) Nieselt
RNA Bioinformatics
S 3 BIOINF4363 (entspricht BIO-4363) Nieselt
Bioinformatics and Machine Learning
S 3 BIOINF4373 (entspricht BIO-4373) Nieselt
Introduction to next-generation sequencing
L 6 BIOINF4365 (entspricht BIO-4365) Ossowski
Programming Languages II
L, T 6 INFO-4241 Brachthäuser, Ostermann
Programming Languages III
L 6 INFO-4242 Ostermann
Topics in Programming Language Theory
S 3 INFO-4481 Ostermann
Programming Languages and Techniques
S 3 INFO-4244 Ostermann, Plümicke
Software Project Management
P 9 INFO-4245 Ostermann
Algorithmic Action
L 9 INFO-4247 Ostermann
Interactive Theorem Proving
L 9 INFO-4248 Ostermann
Advanced Topics in Programming Languages
L 6 INFO-4249 Ostermann
Application of programming language technologies
S 3 INFO-4243 Ostermann
Advanced Medical Informatics
L, T 9 MEDZ-4110 Pfeifer
Medical Data Science
L, T 6 MEDZ-4991 Pfeifer
Biomedical Informatics Methods for Infection Research
S 3 MEDZ-4520 Pfeifer
Computer Science Methods for Privacy Preservation in Biomedical Studies
S 3 MEDZ-4521 Pfeifer
Machine Learning for Health
S 3 MEDZ-4522 Pfeifer
Machine Learning in Biomedicine
P 3 MEDZ-4250 Pfeifer
Deep Learning for Vision and Graphics
S 3 ML-4530 Pons-Moll
Programming of Mobile Embedded Systems
P 6 INFO-4314 Bringmann
Enterprise Computing - Foundation
L 3 INFO-4321 Kreißig, Schmidt
Enterprise Computing - Practical Course
P 3 INFO-4322 Kreißig
Enterprise Computing - Applications
L 3 INFO-4323 Kreißig, Schmidt
Enterprise Computing - Applications Practical Course
P 3 INFO-4324 Kreißig
Software Quality
S 3 INFO-4374 Kropf
Computer Engineering (Seminar)
S 3 INFO-4661
Advanced Topis in Computer Engineering
S 6 INFO-4399 Bringmann
Neuronal Computing
L 3 INFO-4191 Nagel
Machine Learning and Artificial Neuronal Networks in Biomedical Applications
S 3 INFO-4192 Nagel
Image Processing II (3D-Computer-Vision)
L, T 6 INFO-4161 Schilling
Image Processing II (3D-Computer-Vision)
P 6 INFO-4162 Schilling
Medical Image Processing
L, T 6 INFO-4163 Schilling
Medical Image Processing
P 6 INFO-4164 Schilling
Geometric Modelling and Simulation
L, T 6 INFO-4170 Schilling
Virtual Reality
L, T 6 INFO-4172 Schilling
Special Topics in Computer Graphics
L, T 6 INFO-4179 Schilling
Image Processing, Machine Learning and Computer Vision
P 6 INFO-4187 Schilling
Advanced Topics of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Machine Learning
S 3 INFO-4168 Lensch, Schilling
Audiovisual Media I (Camera and Digital Editing)
S 3 MEDI-4510 Schilling
Audiovisual Media II (3D-Animation)
S 3 MEDI-4511 Schilling
Audiovisual Media III (Special Effects)
S 3 MEDI-4512 Schilling
Media Production
S 3 MEDI-4599 Schilling
Lambda Calculus and Combinatorial Logic
L 6 INFO-4465 Piecha
Special Topics in Learning Theory
L, T 6 INFO-4492 von Luxburg
Learning Theory
S 3 INFO-4493 von Luxburg
Advanced Web-Engineering
L 6 MEDI-4310 Walter
Advanced Media Application in the Internet
L 6 MEDI-4320 Walter
Digital Photography for the Web
L 6 MEDI-4330 Walter
Selected Topics in Web and Internet
L 6 MEDI-4399 Walter
Applied Statistics II
L 6 INFO-4151 Wannek
Psychophysical Methods
L 3 INFO-4166 Wichmann
Sensory Psychology
L, S 6 INFO-4169 (MKOGW1) Wichmann
Beyond Fairness: a Socio-Technical view of Machine Learning
L, T 6 ML-4710 Williamson
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
L 6 INFO-4181 Zell
Evolutionary Algorithms
L 6 INFO-4183 Zell
Evolutionary Algorithms
P 6 INFO-4184 Zell
Mobile Robots
L 6 INFO-4361 Zell
Mobile Robots
P 6 INFO-4362 Zell
Advanced Topics in Mobile Robots
S 6 INFO-4363 Zell
Flying Robots
P 6 INFO-4364 Zell
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
P 6 INFO-4365 Zell
Advanced Topics in Neural Networks
S 3 INFO-4366 Zell
Time Series
L, T 6 ML-4320 Hennig, Ludwig
Mathematics for Machine Learning
L, T 9 ML-4101 Hein, Pons-Moll, von Luxburg
Statistical Machine Learning
L, T 9 ML-4201 Hein, von Luxburg
Convex and Nonconvex Optimization
L, T 9 ML-4303 Hein
Statistical Learning Theory
L 6 ML-4302 von Luxburg
Probabilistic Machine Learning (Probabilistic Inference and Learning)
L, T 9 ML-4202 Hennig, Macke
Numerics of Machine Learning (Numerical Algorithms of Machine Learning)
L, T 6 ML-4301 Hennig
Data Mining and Probabilistic Reasoning
L, T 3 ML-4310 Kasneci G
Data Literacy
L 6 ML-4102 Hennig, Macke
Deep Learning (formerly: Deep Neural Networks; INFO-4182)
L, T 6 ML-4103 Geiger, Zell
Self-Driving Cars
L, T 9 ML-4340 Geiger
Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
L 6 ML-4380 Alle Dozenten
Reinforcement Learning
L, T 6 ML-4350 Martius
Neural Data Analysis
L, T 6 ML-4410 Berens
Efficient Machine Learning in Hardware
L 6 ML-4420 Bringmann
Machine Learning Seminar
S 3 ML-4501 Alle Dozenten
Ethics and Philosophy of Machine Learning
S 3 ML-4520 Grothe, Ethics Lab, Genin
Practical Machine Learning
P 6 ML-4510 Alle Dozenten
Research Project Machine Learning
R 9 ML-4998 Dozenten/Arbeitsgruppenleiter
Medical techniques
L 9 MEDZ-4610 Dozenten der Medizintechnik
L, S 6 MEDZ-4620 Häufle
Advanced Probabilistic Machine Learning Modeling and Applications
L, T 6 ML-4210 De Bacco
Introduction to Game Theory with Application to Multi-Agent Systems
L, T 9 ML-4601 Maghsudi
Machine Learning Methods for Scientific Discovery
S 3 ML-4502 Macke
Computer Vision
L, T 9 ML-4360 Geiger
An Introduction to Formal Epistemology and Ranking Theory in Particular
L 3 ML-4701 Spohn
Advanced Topics in Data Science and Analytics
S 3 ML-4504 Kasneci G
Machine Learning Approaches in Climate Science
L 3 ML-4430 Goswami
Data Compression with and without Deep Probabilistic Models
L, T 6 ML-4309 Bamler
Machine Learning for Single Cell Biology
L, T 6 BIOINF4382 (entspricht BIO-4382) Claassen
Group Project Bioinformatics
S 3 BIOINF4103 (entspricht BIO-4103) Dozenten/Arbeitsgruppenleiter
Seminar Selected Topics in Bioinformatics
S 3 BIOINF4104 (entspricht BIO-4104) Dozenten der Bioinformatik
Machine Learning for Medical Image Analysis
S 3 ML-4506 Baumgartner, Koch
Autonomous Vision
S, PS 3 ML-4507 Geiger
Visual Perception and Learning for Robotics
L, T 6 INFO-4390 Stückler
Virtual Humans
L, T 9 ML-4508 Pons-Moll
From Open Data to Open Science
S 3 BIOINF4377 (entspricht BIO-4377) Nahnsen
Computational Single Cell Biology
P 3 BIOINF4250 (entspricht BIO-4250) Claassen
Digitalization & Innovation
L 3 INFO-4501 Wahl
Trustworthy Machine Learning
L, T 6 ML-4440 Oh
Data Privacy
S 3 MEDZ-4710 Akgün
Machine Learning of Single-Cell Dynamics
L, T 6 BIOINF4384 (entspricht BIO-4384) Claassen
Advanced Topics in Machine Learning for Single Cell Biology
S 3 BIOINF4383 (entspricht BIO-4383) Claassen
Data Visualization in Biology and Medicine
S 3 BIOINF4366 (entspricht BIO-4366) Krone
Understanding Vision - Lecture
L 3 INFO-4504-V Li
Understanding Vision - Seminar
S 3 INFO-4504-S Li
Foundation of Signals and Linear Systems
L, T 6 INFO-4165 Schilling
Introduction to Cryptography
L, T 6 INFO-4451 Akgün
Applied Statistics for Biomedical Data Analysis
S 3 BIOINF-4510 (bisher: BIO-4510) Nahnsen
Machine Learning to Fight Infections
S 3 MEDZ-4523 Pfeifer
Natural Language Processing
L, T 6 INFO-4193 Eickhoff
Modern Search Engines
L, T 6 INFO-4271 Eickhoff
Machine Learning in Gaphics, Vision, and Language
P 6 ML-4511 Lensch
Bioinformatics Methods and Visual Analytics of Biological Data
P 3 BIOINF4260 (entspricht BIO-4260) Krone, Nieselt
Current Topics in Robotics
S 3 INFO-4368 Zell
Audiovisual Media II (Advanced 3D-Animation)
P 3 MEDI-4513 Schilling
Algebraic Structure and Complexity of Formal Languages
L 3 INFO-4445 Lange
Machine Learning in Database Systems and Data Management
L 3 INFO-4148
Advanced Topics in Bioinformatics
L 6 BIOINF-4399 (bisher: BIO-4399) Dozenten der Bioinformatik
Secure Processing of Medical Data: Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in Practice
P 3 MEDZ-4260 Akgün
Topics in Robot Vision
S 3 INFO-4367 Zell
Computational Workflows for Biomedical Data
P 3 BIOINF4270 Nahnsen
IT Security (Seminar)
S 3 INFO-4355 Huber, Menth
Network Security II (6 ECTS)
L, T 6 INFO-4356 Menth
Nonconvex Optimization for Deep Learning
L, T 6 ML-4311 Orvieto
The Science of Machine Learning Benchmarks
L, T 6 ML-4331 MPI, Hardt
Machine Learning in Database Systems and Data Management
L 3 INFO-4148 Hechler
Being a Scientist: Making Meaning by Making Science
L, T 6 ML-4702 Williamson
Video Analytics
L, T 6 ML-4365 Kuehne
Hands-on AI based 3D Vision
L, T 6 ML-4361 Pons-Moll
Advances in Multimodal Learning - Practical Course
P 6 ML-4512 Kuehne
Advances in Multimodal Learning
S 3 ML-4503 Kuehne

Module Number
Module Title
Type of Module
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
Class time:
h / SWS
Self study:
Language of instruction
Type of Exam
Lecture Type(s)
Prerequisite for participation
Last offered
Planned for
Assigned Study Areas